Claflin University International Alumni Association Chapters


 Greater New York  Candis Bugg  iramacandis@aol.com
 New York Metro  Shirley Johnson scjohn2003@yahoo.com
 Charlotte, NC  Tangela Solomon  tangela.solomon@cms.k12.nc.us
 Richmond, VA  Gracie Dolly graciedolly@hotmail.com
Washington, D.C.
Joan Stevens  ssstevens@comcast.net
Bamberg, Barnwell Counties
 Major Roosevelt Bryant  bryant028@aol.com
 Calhoun County  Vacant  
 Camden-Kershaw Counties  Ollie Thompson Brisbane     owthompson43@gmail.com
 Columbia Area  Crystal Jamison  crystalwjamison@gmail.com
 Orangeburg County  Alumni  Rev. Larry McCutcheon  larrymccutch@claflin.edu
 Charleston County  Sierra Williams  sierrawilliams@gmail.com
 Colleton County  Priscilla McClellan  priscilla.mcclellan@yahoo.com
 Dorchester County   Ralph Martino   mart2566@bellsouth.net
 Low Country (Beaufort and Savannah)  Bonnie Moore  bonniemoore170@gmail.com
 Southwest Tri-County  Alice Behlin  rambie@rocketmail.com
 Dillion (Upper Pee Dee)  Majayla Page  pmajayla@gmail.com
 Florence County  Bishop Kenneth Gibson  kennethgibson539@yahoo.com
 Lake City  Kenneth Feagins  klfeagins@yahoo.com
 Sumter County  Rev. James Lane  revjameslane@hotmail.com
 Williamsburg  Rev. Jerry Dicks  jerrydicks2000@hotmail.com
 Upstate  Estella Rickenbacker  backerstella@yahoo.com
 Spartanburg-Cherokee Linda Dogan   linda.dogan12@gmail.com
Atlanta, GA   Col. Howard Butler( Ret)  howard.c.butler.civ.@mail.mil
 CSRA  Janette S. Welcher  Sistrunk53@bellsouth.net
 North Florida (Jacksonville)  Vacant   
 Berkley County   Julia R. Wright  hjwright@homesc.com
 Southwest Tri County  Alice Behlin  rambierocketmail.com
 Philadelphia Alumni Gregory Lyles greglyles100@gmail.com

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