Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is an administrative body established to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects in research studies conducted under the auspices of Claflin University (CU). The IRB has the authority to approve, require modifications in, or disapprove all research activities that fall within its jurisdiction. The IRB independently approves or disapproves a research protocol based on whether or not human subjects are adequately protected. 

Please use the IRB Submission Worksheet to determine if your project requires IRB approval and then consult with the IRB Committee before submitting your application via email at IRB@claflin.edu.


If your project requires IRB review, please complete the IRB application and submit it to  IRB@claflin.edu, with a single signed PDF hard copy sent to the Office of the Vice Provost of Research (vpr@claflin.edu).  

IRB Application

Applications are to be submitted in PDF format only. The emailed application must be received no later than three weeks before an IRB meeting to be considered at that meeting, except for student research application, which must be submitted two weeks before the desired decision date.  Final approval will not be granted before receipt of the aforementioned PDF hard copy application.


CITI Program offers research ethics, compliance, and professional development education on a number of subjects for various audiences, including researchers, students and faculty, IRB members, research administrators, and IACUC members. The online courses are also designed to be relevant to specific disciplines such as Biomedical as well as Social and Behavioral fields.

Claflin University has a subscription with the CITI Program to provide the following courses to faculty and staff: 

Revised Common Rule 

This course is intended to help the research community understand the revisions to the Common Rule issued on January 19, 2017 with a general compliance date of January 21, 2019. The course provides a detailed review of the regulatory changes to 45 CFR 46, Subpart A, “Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects” (the Common Rule).

Human Subjects Research (HSR)

HSR provides foundational training in human subjects research and includes the historical development of human subject protections, ethical issues, and current regulatory and guidance information.

Public Health Research

Provides an overview of the structure and function of public health systems, differentiates research and practice, and reviews consent and ethical issues for public health researchers.

Good Clinical Practice (GCP)

GCP consists of basic and refresher courses that provide essential good clinical practice training for research teams involved in clinical trials of drugs, biologics, and devices, as well as those involved in behavioral intervention and social science research studies.

Information Privacy & Security (IPS)

IPS covers the principles of data protection, focusing on the healthcare-related privacy and information security requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the educational records and data-related requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)

RCR covers core norms, principles, regulations, and rules governing the practice of research.

Conflicts of Interest (COI)

COI courses cover the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) regulations on financial conflicts of interest and an investigator's responsibilities related to the disclosure of "Significant Financial Interests.”

Laboratory Animal Research

Animal Care and Use (ACU) courses cover the general principles of the ethical care and use of animals in research, training, and testing.

To take a course, log into the CITI Program at  and follow the directions in the CITI Program Registration Instructions below.  

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