23nd Conference on Contemporary English and Language Arts Pedagogy

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Twenty-third Claflin University Conference on English and Language Arts Pedagogy in Secondary and Postsecondary Institutions (In-person on the campus of Claflin University) *

October 22-23, 2024 


Tuesday, October 22, 2024, Concurrent sessions

11 a.m. Keynote address: 

“Passport Power: Time, borders, and migrations”

Noora A. Lori, Ph.D.  |   Associate Professor of International Relations
Frederick S. Pardee  |   School of Global Studies, Boston University, Boston, MA

Wednesday, October23, 2024, Concurrent sessions

The two-day conference is sponsored by the Claflin University Department of English. Pedagogy is the study and process of teaching. 

For more information contact Dr. Mitali Wong at wong@claflin.edu or pedagogyconference@claflin.edu.

*(Participants not residing in the United States may request a virtual option)

Scholarly and creative panel proposals and paper abstracts on all aspects of reading, writing, and teaching modern languages are invited. Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to submit papers. Abstractsare limited to a maximum of 350 words. Brief bios of 175 words are required. Electronic submissions are requested. Presentations should be limited to 15 minutes. Panels are limited to four (4) presenters per panel. Papers and panels are solicited on:

  • the concept of migration 
  • diasporization and resettlement
  • taking a humanistic approach to border crossing (including xenology) 
  • the figures of the foreigner, sedentary person, and traveler 
  • the theme of exile in literature and in the arts 
  • the ethics of hospitality as a reservoir of values and knowledge 
  • the consequences of migration on the development of knowledge (from the exodus of the pagan scholars from Constantinople to the contemporary brain drain).


Please submit abstracts and bios at: 


scan the QR code below:

Receipt deadline: September 10, 2024

The registration fee for the conference is $35 for faculty members, and $15 for graduate students. The registrationdeadline is September 30, 2024. Online registration is required for all presentersThere are  plans to publish a collection with full papers that are presented at this year’s conference.

(The fee is waived for undergraduate students. International participants residing outside the US who are accepted to present virtually may request fee waivers.)



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