Study Abroad

Study Abroad is the opportunity for students to engage in meaningful cultural exchanges at a college-level institution that meets degree requirements, outside the U.S.

Study Away is the opportunity for students to engage in meaningful cultural exchanges at a college-level institution that meets degree requirements, within the U.S.

  • Study Abroad Activity Process
    Students participating in study abroad should follow the steps below:

    Study Abroad Study Away  

  • Student Learning Outcomes

    At the completion of the study abroad/study away, students will be able to:

    • Understand and become aware of other cultures and educational systems 
    • Understand and appreciate variation across and between cultures 
    • Demonstrate awareness of personal values, cultural norms, values and assumptions and how they impact their ability to work with others 
    • Develop an understanding of global issues
    • Apply knowledge of discipline to a global context 
    • Derive knowledge from global context and apply to local framework. 
    • Develop communication skills to effectively interact with people of other cultures  
  • Evaluation

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